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Pufferfiz's Model Workshop

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july oil painting WIP 4

ok well after the big hal to finish the rick i havent worked on the painting , but i did sometoday.

ok so i started the flowers , they are bluebonnets.
so first i did a mix of a blue violet color for the base.
july oil painting WIP 4_a0055093_839494.jpg

after that i mixed some white into it to make a light blue for a top of the pedals.
july oil painting WIP 4_a0055093_8404211.jpg

next i add some off white to the top , becuase thats whats on the flower.
july oil painting WIP 4_a0055093_8422596.jpg

next add some lighter green on the bas of the flowers to make them stan out and give more texure to the land.
july oil painting WIP 4_a0055093_8433742.jpg

well ill let that dry and go form there , will do the trees next , let that dry then the leaves , and then some detailing at it will be done.
stay toned!
by pufferfiz | 2007-08-03 08:46 | Oil Paintings

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by PufferFiz
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